SInce 1965

Story of Ohranjyvä

In March 1965, master pastry chef Jussi Linkosuo opened the restaurant Ohranjyvä in the former retail space on Näsilinnankatu, just before the first-ever Ice Hockey World Championships held in Finland. Ohranjyvä was one of the first beer restaurants in Finland and immediately gained popularity among the people of Tampere as a cozy and intimate socializing spot.

Image: Finnish Restaurant Museum, year:1970-79

Golden malt

Ohranjyvä is gaining reputation

Ohranjyvä’s reputation soon spread beyond Tampere as well. The PUERTO RICO PAN, considered a symbol of liberation in the Finnish restaurant scene, attracted people from afar to experience exotic flavor sensations.

Ohranjyvä was also made known by familiar TV personalities and journalists, who still enjoy their time at the “o-studio.”

Ohranjyvä’s draft beverages were delicious, and over the years, the slogan “A hundred steps from Hämeenkatu, two hundred back…” became established.

The classics

Long Lunches

Among the regular customers, there are certainly other individuals as well, and the legendary long boozy lunches became famous back in the day.

Despite the years, the 65-seat restaurant remains an intimate socializing venue, just like in the 60s. And it embodies culture, including food culture: In addition to the PUERTO RICO PAN, you can find classics such as “CHICKEN FROM BEHIND THE HOUSE,” along with many other perennial favorites and completely new flavor experiences.

Image: Finnish Restaurant Museum, Ohranjyvä’s 20th-anniversary celebration in 1985.

Image: Finnish Restaurant Museum, Ohranjyvä’s newly completed backyard terrace in 1987.

Local legend

Traditions merge with new winds

Ohranjyvä is one of the oldest restaurants in Tampere, and its concept has remained almost the same throughout the years.

This legendary restaurant has had several owners, and in July 2022, it closed temporarily due to water damage. In the spring of 2023, the ownership of Ohranjyvä has been transferred to Primaresta Oy, whose restaurateur, Louie So, has renovated the restaurant while respecting its traditions.